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Wood flooring carries advantages over other types of flooring. It can add style and warmth to any house or property. Wood flooring costs much higher than carpet or linoleum but it ensures long-lasting maintenance. Flooring made up of carpet and laminate always has an issue of tearing and it might lead to this issue regularly. So it will cost you more in comparison to wood flooring. Wood floors are solid and highly durable. Wooden flooring has become a very popular choice in India. House owners prefer this over other kinds of carpets. It gives the room a superior look and adds elegance too. Generally, people likes to choose real wood floorings or solid wood floorings but the question raises that why real wood floors are most preferred flooring solutions?

Why Real Wood Floors Are Most Preferred Flooring Solutions?

Types of Wood Flooring

Real Wood Flooring

Real Wood Flooring

Real wood flooring is prepared from original wood right from top to bottom wood that had been harvested from a pine, walnut or oak. Durability: Hardwood is top notch in terms of durability and it usually lasts for many years. You can refinish this many times.

Engineered Wood

Engineered Wooden Flooring

Engineered wood flooring is made up of original wood which glued many layers of different wood. Such as plywood, underneath. Wood gets superior stability through this. Engineered wood flooring is a veneer of real wood glued to several layers of other wood, like plywood, underneath. This gives this wood excellent stability over time. Durability: It is really durable and it is the best option for any location of your house.

Laminated Wood

Laminate, which is also known as floating wooden floor tiles, is made up of artificial materials that mimic wood’s appearance. Later, it gets laminated. Durability: laminated wood is well durable and it is very easy to install this floor.

Also Visit – If you want to buy artificial grass to make your home happy, visit here.

Pros and Cons of Real or Solid Wood Floorings

In case you are looking for a design that has both blends and versatile, then wood flooring is the best option. It suits both modern and traditional homes. Wood flooring is the perfect choice for your office and residential space.
If you are looking out for a style that is both versatile and blends with every type of decor, then wood flooring is the best option. It gives a lot of warmth and character to both traditional and modern homes. Whether you are using wood flooring for your office or residential space, it is a classy and reliable choice for both.

Pros of Real Wood Floorings

1. A long-term investment

The biggest plus point of wood flooring is its long-lasting capability. They can last for many years if well maintained.
You might find it costly, but at the same time, you don’t have to replace them every ten years, like other flooring. It is also a superior investment as the value of wood flooring keeps increasing with time.

2. Variety

Wood flooring gives you a wide array of options. You can opt for any of them according to your budget and availability. In wood flooring you will not find a single plank with the same shade and this specification makes this more real. You can modify the wood flooring by adding different colours. You can add and mix the woods that make the flooring delightful.

3. Healthy air quality at home

Wooden flooring prevents any kind of parasites. They don’t nurture and repulse any kind of allergies to animal dander and moulds. This will help your house to stay safe from inside. Other types of flooring don’t have such quality. Even doctors advise on wood flooring, especially when you have children at home as they are more susceptible to allergies. Wooden flooring also keeps your house warm.

4. Quality of ageless

Other flooring, like carpet need to be changed after a certain time period but Wood flooring requires refurbishment. You will keep refreshing the flooring in its authentic state. You can save a good amount of money on wood flooring.

These advantages of floorings can win your select but why you should not choose this, have a look here.

Cons of Real Wood Flooring

1. Cost

Real Wood flooring is costly in comparison to other flooring such as carpets or tiles. It is not affordable for everyone as some people have limited amounts for flooring. Hardwood flooring is a complicated process as it is installed over sub-flooring.

2. Scratching

Real wood flooring faces the issue of dents and scratches. You have to take care of this flooring properly. Wood flooring has chances of stains on the floor. The hardwood shows blemishes strongly in comparison to softwood.

Are real wood floors worth it?

Hardwood, without a doubt, is the most popular consideration, especially when the owner is considering selling soon. But do real wood floors actually increase a home’s value or is real wood floor worth it?
If calculated, we will find out that the average cost of a hardwood floor is worth around $6 per square foot and you have to spend $8 per square foot for installation.
Still, many people have installed real wood flooring because this gives an authentic look to a house. Hardwood floors can raise house values up to 3-6℅. This gives an ample opportunity to those who are looking to sell their home in the future.

Usually, owners can expect a 75℅ return on investment after installing solid wood flooring. Imagine a 2000 square foot real wooden building that is worth $9 per square foot. The total cost of installation is around $18,000. The homeowner can see the value of the house rising up to $13000.
The call to invest in real wood flooring can bring lots of profit. Hardwood flooring can be for resale value for your house, but there are various factors such as location, installed quality of real wood flooring.

How much does real wood flooring cost?

In today’s world there are thousands of wood materials available on the market. The price of real wood flooring is decided by the quality and texture of the material. Making of wooden planks, such as imported or indigenous, also costs in flooring costs. These are the most popular wooden flooring that exist and are most commonly used:

1. Real wood:

Hardwood or real wood is made up of original wood. It’s long-lasting flooring. It will cost you around Rs. 700 to Rs. 5000 per square foot. These types of flooring are best for those who are looking for a long-time investment. This is a sample of real wood flooring costs in India. However, it varies on material and other factors.

2. Engineered wood:

Engineered wood flooring is a veneer of real wood. It is made up by fixing different layers of plywood. Engineered wood is very durable. The cost varies depending on customer requirements. Usually it costs around Rs. 200 to Rs. 900 per square foot.


For Wall Decoration Use Custom Designer Wallpapers

If you want to get degree of creativity in your home of office then better to use the custom wallpapers or designer wallpapers as they can add spice in your place with the taste of decorative richness. When it comes to wallpapers in the home so you will find that wallpapers are the less expensive and most admirable apart of the home decoration because other decoration material comes with huge money. Since 16th century we are seeing the concept of the wallpapers. In present, there are many organizations in market, which are offering their services with different types of wallpaper according to choice and reference of individuals in all over the word. In past few years technology has improved and now it’s our responsibility to use them in right direction with the advancement of the technology we have get the many additional benefit such as; now we are able to design our choice of wallpapers with simple and less complicated process. These days, custom wallpapers or designer wallpapers are the vital part of interior designing at any place. Customor designer can be installed in hospitals and restaurants, homes, malls, offices, cafes to enhance the beauty of space in low price and less time.


Office Wallpapers

There are few organizations which are offering different patterns and texture in the wallpapers such as; geometry, nature, human emotions, technology, abstract and more. However the latest collection of wallpaper can include the images of recent news, technology and celebrity. In market there are many organizations which are ready to offer their own services for custom wallpapers or designer wallpapers in an affordable price as per need and requirement of the clients in very less budget and time. If you have creative mind and you are able to design your choice of wallpaper, then better to design your own wallpapers to express your personality in home or office. However; custom or designer wallpapers comes with a lot of additional advantages such as;


i. Innovative design

ii. Customization option with different colors and textures

iii. Scratch resistant

iv. Impeccable quality

v. Attractive and customize design

vi. Beautiful color combination

vii. High aesthetic appeal with premium quality

If you are looking for the custom or designer wallpapers, so you can contact us because we have team of designer which is able to provide require design in an affordable price in very less time as per need and requirement of the clients. If you are inspired from Hollywood movies, so you can get those wallpapers at our store.



Want To Get Attractive Floor For Ages? Use Bamboo Wooden Flooring

If you want to get attractive floor in home or office which can be stable for next 10 to 15 years with little maintenance and attractive looks, so we will suggest you to use bamboo wood flooring because due to its natural stability it will be stable for years. In every home or office space, maintenance cost play huge role and you cannot ignore it for long time because if you will do that so result could be worst. According to interior designers, bamboo floorings are stable as other traditional flooring such as; hardwood and more and they are stronger as well as attractive. Apart from that with bamboo wooden flooring you will get range of option in terms of wood quality (carbonized bamboo, natural bamboo, artificial bamboo and more), color, patterns and designs. Bamboo is famous as durable wood and due to that its first preference of interior designers because they can alter its color and design easily as per their choice and wish.

Bamboo Flooring

If you are planning to get new floor in your home or office, so we will suggest you to check all kinds of wood and discuss your need with interior designer, however; if you are searching for bamboo wood, so there are many ways to get natural and fresh bamboo wood such as; there are many professionals who are harvesting bamboo wood for professional purpose. Apart from that you can also buy ready to install bamboo wood from market and for that all you need to provide required size. While selecting wooden floor you should keep few points in mind such as; maintenance cost, use of floor, exposure to sun and water and according to that you should select wood, however; you can also take the help of interior designers.  If you are thinking that what is bamboo and what kind of wood it is, so you should know that bamboo is natural grass, which you can easily find everywhere, however; majority production comes from Vietnam, China and Indonesia. Professionals are used to harvest it on regular basic and it takes 5 to 6 years for proper growth. As nature lover if you are thinking that it will be bad for mother earth, so here we would love to tell you cutting will not bamboo because again on same stalks bamboo will grow without replanting.

One of the major limitations of bamboo floors is that you can do modification only till some extent and due to that you will get limited choice in style and color, however; most of the people love to use it in natural style and color. Apart from that if you are looking for dark floors, so we will suggest you to use carbonized bamboo because it comes with rich brown color in two or three different variations.

Why Real Wood is First Choice of Interior Designers?

Real wood is one of the best & most incredible product because with it you can do wonder in home or commercial space. Those who are looking for brand new flooring they can consider real wood flooring because it will be perfect choice in terms of budget, looks and stability. Still, we will suggest you discuss whole project and your requirements with your interior designer in an order to avoid any kind of issue in future. Majority of the people prefer to install real wood in their home because it comes with variety of options such as; colors, designs, quality, patterns and more.

Real Wooden Flooring

Real wood is natural material so you don’t’ have to worry if you are looking for natural look in your home or commercial space. If you will use real wood without any change or alternation, so it will look good because real wood comes with pleasant natural appearances and very strong stability. However; as per your budget you can add some more stuff while installing real wood in your home such as; lamination and wax to avoid water, dust and scratches. The process of real wood installation is just simple like any other floor installation and it take only 2 to 3 days in whole process which includes wax application and lamination with perfect fitting. There are some kinds of wood which can give you less perfection due to their natural drawbacks, but if you are selecting real wood, so you are playing safe.

Why real wood is best alternative for traditional flooring?

If you are looking for the alternatives of traditional floor and you have limited budget with better expectation, so we will suggest you to select the real wood. In present, interior designers are considering real wood as the trendy option due to its natural advantages and capabilities such as; bug resistance nature and attractive looks with perfect stability. If you are fully aware about the qualities of real wood, then you will easily understand that why it’s first choice of interior designers. Apart from that with real wood flooring you will also get high durability, different style options, customized patterns and colors.

Real wood flooring is first of its type and its limited in style and color, however; in past few years we have seen dramatically changes in that and all of that are possible just because of advance tools and technology, however; in USA and UK people are using wooden floors from last 5 to 6 decades, but in India its just two decade old concept and still people are putting question mark of the stability and use of wooden floors in home. But now in India, after the arrival of international manufacturers and wooden floor distributers the views of people are changing and they are accepting it as primary choice for commercial space.


Installation Tips for Parquet Wooden Flooring

We all know that installation of wooden flooring is not an easy task and its not something which you can do by yourself. We will suggest you to browse online or take the suggestion from friends or relatives to select best interior designers of the city. And then you should discuss your needs and requirements with them and they will tell you that which wooden floor is best for space. However; if you are looking for beautiful floor for your commercial place, so we will suggest you to use parquet wooden flooring because it comes with range of varieties and options, while using parquet wood you will find that its easy to match it up with your furniture and wall paints.

Parquet Wooden Flooring

If interior designers are ready to start the installation process, so make sure room is dust free and clear, then that carpenters can work with freedom from the beginning of the flooring project. Apart from that we will suggest you to prepare plan of action and according to that check the work of carpenter in term of quantity, quality and accuracy. In market there are many shops from where you can buy ready to install floorboards as per your choice of color, design and patterns. If you will buy ready to install floorboards, so you will be able to save the time as well as labor service charge till some extent, but while buying floorboards make sure that it has seal of trust.

Wooden floors are feasible and you can change them as per your need and requirement, apart from that we will suggest you to use wax and laminated wood for flooring because it will increase the life of wooden floors and on the same time you will be able to make it water and dust resistance.

Want To Go Green? Use Bamboo Wooden Floorings

In today’s society we all are busy with our personal and professional life and rarely anyone of us finding time to get relaxation in the lap of nature. According to experts, every color has its physiological effect such as; green color stand for relax and fresh mind, red color stand for danger and warm environment and white color stand for cool environment, so if you want to stay positive in natural environment then you should use bamboo wood flooring in your home or office.

Bamboo Flooring

We all have issues in our life and home is place where we want to get peaceful environment for relaxation, so if you are looking for pleasant environment in your home then we will suggest you to get some cool combinations at walls and install bamboo wooden flooring in your home. If you are nature lover and thinking that it’s not good to cut bamboo trees, so here we want to tell you that in comparison of other tress bamboo trees grow very fast and there are many professionals who are harvesting bamboo tree for professional purpose. As per the view of interior designers, bamboo wood is best, sustainable and beautiful material for floors.



While using bamboo wood you can use range of customize appearance and color combinations with earth-friendly choice. No matter you want to decorate personal or professional space because bamboo wood is perfect choice for both places due to its attractive texture, patterns and features. In comparison of other wood floors, bamboo wood is cheaper and much stable. With latest tools and technology you can use bamboo flooring in many stain variations as well as in its real color. In simple words we can say that bamboo flooring is best alternative of hardwood when it comes to install it at local stores or retail shops.


Experience Elegant Look at Your Showroom with Parquet Wooden Flooring

In you will visit the affluent homes or professional elegant palaces, so you will find that most of them have parquet wooden flooring because it comes with experimented and complex color, designs, patterns and texture. In modern age parquet wood is slowly making its entry into the home and professional spaces. However; when it comes to selection, so interior designers recommends the use of parquet wooden flooring in kitchen and gym floor due to its capability to tolerate the dust and resistant against constant drops of water or sweat.

Parquet flooring is more stable and strong because it’s made up of square pieces of hardwood, which comes in designer and geometric patterns, however; as per you need you can use other options with parquet floors such as; lamination, multilayer or  solid parquet. Most of the time parquet floors consist the pieces of maple, cherry trees, beech, oak or any other wood, whereas; for multifunctional use you can chose other woods as well.

Parquet Wooden Flooring

Why You Should Use Parquet Wood Floor In Home?

If you want to use parquet wooden flooring in home, so you should know that it has multiple uses such as; it comes with aesthetic values and resistance against spills, scratches and stains. Apart from that it also has certain other environmental advantages because you are free to use your choice of available wood. Most of the interior designers prefer to recommend the parquet wood because its easy to clean and maintain it from any kind of damage.

You can install parquet wooden flooring directly above the concrete floor and you don’t have to install any other extra layer between them. If you think that you can use the floor for rough and hard use, so we will suggest you to get parquet wood as your flooring material.


Get Strong & Exotic Floor with Real Wood Flooring

For modern professional spaces, wooden floors have become first choice of users and the main reason behind that are stability, cost and beauty of wood for personalized look. Real wood flooring has potential to change or transform the look of space no matter its residential or professional space. Real wood is exotic timber which aims to provide string and beautiful look to space. For wooden flooring installation you can use range of timber options such as; oak and bamboo or more as they are able to provide needed or favorite look.

If you want to get matching flooring as per your décor or furniture with more stability, durability and resistance against water or bugs, so we will suggest you to use the Real Wooden Flooringas it can also provide you range of multiple floor styles with natural look. If you are using real wood as raw material for flooring, so you can have any desired design, however; it also depends on the type of timber species. Apart from that real wood flooring is also able to tolerate the normal heat, water and bugs. However; for long life and strong behavior you can use pre coated laminated or waxed real wood flooring, but it also depends on your budget and your choice and according to that you can ask the manufacturers to provide reasonable quality. The main reason behind the use of wooden flooring is that it comes with range of colors, patterns, texture and design.

These days real wood flooring are in fashion and according to your choice you can get the combination of different wood square with an aim to make it more attractive and beautiful. Those who want to get attractive look in their home at low budget they can use real wood as the flooring solutions.


Some useful tips for laminated wooden flooring

In market various kinds of wooden flooring options are available, but when it comes to most attractive and durable flooring options, so its laminated wooden flooring, which are best in nature. If you are doing the renovation in home or office and you have decided to install the laminate flooring at home or office, so here are few tips which will help you to add perfect into the wooden flooring solutions;

laminated wooden flooring

  1. Make sure that you are getting the laminate flooring planks in required size and they are staggering at joints because if you will allow cutting the planks at the end of lining, so it will look unprofessional and awkward.
  2. It will be totally depends on the method of manufacturing that flooring can be repaired at some small cracks or at the joints or not. If you can fit the chips at right time and in right size, so it can help you to stop the further damage. In laminated wooden flooring, you can easily get the chips of same color.
  • We will suggest you to order the extra laminated wooden flooring planks because there are chances of damage while installation, so in order to avoid the risk you can order two to five extra laminated wooden flooring planks.
  • Laminated Wooden Flooring
  1. Make sure that your interior designers are making the right cuts or they are using advance tools to cut the planks because if you will commit mistake with one planks, so there are chances of with others too. It is recommended to leave little gaps between doorways and walls to let your flooring to breathe in some special seasons such as; at monsoon time.
  2. Most of the time while installing laminated wooden flooring, people commit mistake with measurements. To get perfection into work there is need to do the right and accurate measurements.

Parquet wooden flooring: Find right style of flooring for your home

One of the most important parts in home and office construction or renovation is the installing and finding the right kind of flooring. With right decision you can transfer your house into the beautiful and attractive place, but with little mistake you can end with irritation and money wastage. In present, wood is perfect flooring option for the home because they comes in affordable price and able to beautify the place. Apart from that they are highly durable, so according to need you can select right kind of flooring solution such as; parquet wooden flooring, laminated wooden flooring, rubber flooring and more. However; some flooring solutions are following;

Parquet Wooden Flooring

The parquet wooden flooring are the logs of dried try, which comes without any kind of moisture. With machine you can easily cut those into different lengths, widths and grades and apart from that as per need you can ask your manufacturer to add wax, lamination and colors on that. However; now with the help of advance tools and ultra modern methods, its easy add custom designs and choice of colors, but only cutting is not enough because gluing is another important stage which make sure that at place parquet wooden floorings are getting right fitting. Before installation make sure that sub floors are totally dry and they are free from dust or dirt.

parquet wooden flooring

parquet wooden flooring

We should not forget that the key for the successful installation of parquet wooden flooring is the proper planning, preparation and execution of the project. Apart from that make sure that humidity in the room is between 50 to 60 percent because if you have too much humidity in room, so it can damage the flooring or it can give you poor result with less durable nature.

The parquet wooden flooring are the logs of dried try, which comes without any kind of moisture. With machine you can easily cut those into different lengths, widths and grades and apart from that as per need you can ask your manufacturer to add wax, lamination and colors on that. However; now with the help of advance tools and ultra modern methods, its easy add custom designs and choice of colors, but only cutting is not enough because gluing is another important stage which make sure that at place parquet wooden floorings are getting right fitting. Before installation make sure that sub floors are totally dry and they are free from dust or dirt.

We should not forget that the key for the successful installation of parquet wooden flooring is the proper planning, preparation and execution of the project. Apart from that make sure that humidity in the room is between 50 to 60 percent because if you have too much humidity in room, so it can damage the flooring or it can give you poor result with less durable nature.